Versatile, Rugged, and Weather Resistant
Aquatic Imager is small and lightweight (< 20 lbs) for ease of use in the laboratory or classroom, but is rugged and weather-resistant to facilitate field sampling. Available accessories enable sample delivery on the desktop or in field settings ranging from small streams to the open ocean. The Aquatic Imager delivers data rapidly and with fine-scale resolution, providing an ideal solution for biodiversity and environmental impact monitoring
Continuous, Flow-through Imaging
Fluid containing the target organisms passes through the unit’s imaging chamber, via pumping or gravity flow, where a high-speed line-scan camera obtains a continuous recording. The digital record corresponding to each imaged organism can then be classified in near-real-time using a variety of image analysis software packages, including the optional OceanSpace classification and analysis software system. The temporally resolved data easily integrate with ancillary data (e.g., temperature, salinity, location, flow speed), a solution unavailable when using legacy net-based sampling.